Listed below are local places of worship in the City of Alma, Nebraska. If your religious location is not listed and you would like for it to be included on this website, simply give us a call and we will be happy to add it to the list below.
Alma Berean Church-2nd and Jewell-Sunday Worship 10:00 am (308-999-6180)
Alma Free Methodist Church-312 5th St. Sunday Service 11:00 am (785-302-0344)
Alma United Methodist Church-304 7th St, Sunday Service 11:00 am (308-928-2414)
Lakeside Fellowship-1007 Main St.-Sunday Worship 10:15 am . (308-928-2493)
Peace Lutheran Church- 310 Hwy 183-Sunday Worship 10:30 am. (308-928-2455)
Word Teaching Center-1104 7th St.-Sunday Service 10:00 am. (308-920-1195)

Alma Church Directory